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  • Installation, maintenance and test of software
  • Development of test procedures
  • Benchmarking of new systems
  • Development of tools for user administration, performance analysis or energy efficiency
Working hours can be arranged in a flexible way and some work can be performed from outside LRZ.
If suitable and a topic matching your work can be identified, bachelor or master thesis may also be carried


Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, LRZ) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and
Humanities is the IT Service Provider for all Munich universities as well as a growing number of research
organisations throughout Bavaria. In addition to this regional focus, LRZ also plays an important role as a
member of GCS (Gauss Centre for Supercomputing), delivering top-tier HPC services on the national and
European level. We support ground-breaking research and education throughout a wide range of scientific
disciplines by offering highly available, secure and energy-efficient services based on cutting-edge IT technology.


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  • The students should have a background in science, engineering or computer science.
  • Knowledge of the Linux operating system and in one of the programming languages, C, C ++ or Fortran are desired.
Bezahlung: nach Vereinbarung
Einsatzort: Garching bei München
Firma: LRZ Leibniz Rechenzentrum
Kontakt: We are looking forward to receiving your application:
Subject: HPC Student (2017/12)
If you have open questions, please contact Dr. Matthias Brehm (GL Application Support,,
Tel: 089/35831-8773)
Nähere Informationen zur Kontaktaufnahme und Bewerbung erfahren Sie in der Originalanzeige


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